Since the creation of man, one question that has been a thorn in the
human soul and which it eagerly desires a clear and sure answer is: “If a
man die, shall he live again?”
It is an old, old question.”
Job examined the question long ago in an agony. Job could only see one indisputable fact, the tragic fact of death:
“But man dies and is laid away;
Indeed he breathes his last
And where is he?
As water disappears from the sea,
And a river becomes parched and dries up,
So man lies down and does not rise.
Till the heavens are no more,
They will not awake
Nor be aroused from their sleep.” (Job 14: 10-12)
“If a man die, shall he live again?”
I know all of you here today are
asking the same question with similar desperation in these days of
I’m convinced as a Christian that I have good and sufficient grounds
for faith to believing confidently that when I die, I’ll live again.
What reasons do I have for believing that after I die, I shall live
again? Three reasons: the nature of man, the character of God, and the
experience of Christ. You know how I lived the whole time I have been with you.
From the
first day I founded WOSEM, I served the Lord with great humility and
with tears and in the midst of severe testing from all angles.
You know I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be
helpful to you and I have taught you publicly and from house to house.
I have declared to Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, White, Black, and Brown that
they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus.
Now, I’m compelled by the Spirit to tell you my days are numbered,
not knowing what would happen to me after today. However, I consider my
life worth nothing to me.
My only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord
Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s
Now I know that none of you among whom I have gone about preaching
the kingdom will ever see me again. Therefore, I declare to you today
that I am innocent of the blood of any of you.
Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit
has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he
bought with his own blood.
I know that when I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and
will not spare the flock. Even from your own members will arise people
that will distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.
So be on your guard! Remember that for years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.
And now to the heart of my farewell message. I have been reliably
informed by a whistleblower that my son Pastor Paul Obadare with some of
my protégés organized a family meeting in Lagos where they discussed my
I was further informed that Paul would hold a press briefing to announce to the world that they’ll put me in $25,000 casket.
As a matter fact, the whistleblower was kind enough to release advance copy of Paul’s speech:
“The coffin to be used for the burial of our father, Apostle Timothy
Obadare, is taken after the type used for the burial of the late Michael
Jackson and Whitney Houston.”
“He said the … founder of World Soul Winning Evangelical Ministry (WOSEM) deserved the honour and more.”
“Michael Jackson was buried in a gold-plated casket called
Promethean, said to have cost $25,000. Whitney Houston’s casket was also
said to have cost around the same amount, but she reportedly wore
costlier jewelry worth $500,000 inside the costly casket. Obadare won’t
be using any jewelry, save probably his wristwatch … may be a ring too.”
I have never coveted anyone’s silver or gold or clothing or casket.
You yourselves know that my life has been consistently simple, and a
contented life of a lowly shepherd.
Everything I did I showed you that we must help the weak, feed the
hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless, comfort the aggrieved,
heal the sick, seek justice, free the oppressed, and preach the Word.
Paul my son, I have some questions for you:
Why do you want to use $25,000 gold-plated casket for me? Where and
how did you get the money? Please you must not overburden the flock with
the expenses of a casket that would be eaten up by moths, termites, and
Why do you want to bury me in an expensive casket like Michael
Jackson and Whitney Houston? Why comparing me with the Jacksons and
Houstons of the world?
Paul, did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? Then, what
baptism did you experience? Well then, what do I have in common with
Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston?
I’m a pastor – shepherd, prophet, and a builder – I’m not an entertainer.
I’m a preacher, they were performers. I’m nobody, they were celebrities. I’m a soul winner, they were song stars.
I’m of the sacred, they were of the secular. Difference between the
two is like difference between day and night. This is a living reality
and not a dead abstraction.
We cannot divorce ethics from theology. I’m not a Gospel Comedian but
a Gospel Commandant. In all my life I have refused to imitate, imbibe,
or imbue the personification of pomposity.
My calling is of the old theology as opposed to the “new theology” – a
bad photograph – under-developed and over-exposed! An eagle does not
roost in a sparrow’s nest.
Paul, fellowship with known and vital error is participation in sin.
Why do you want to join the confederacy of those who are alien to the
We have a fixed faith to preach with a definite message from God. The
best way you can honor me is to promote the truth, shun hypocrisy,
worship God in humility, do things in moderation with wisdom and promote
the gospel.
The divine truth never changes, but the human personality does. Take everything away from me but my reputation and my Bible.
To know God is to know he should be obeyed. Please don’t put me in a
$25,000 gold-plated casket for a second. Use the money for the poor,
And don’t delay to change your mind on the $25,000 gold-plated
casket. Postponed obedience to the command of God usually amount to
Paul, the choice is yours: you can “beat the heat” by doing God’s bidding or “feel the heat” of his chastening hand.
I have polished the lenses of souls and help them see well. Putting
me in a $25,000 gold-plated casket would mean replacing all that WOSEM
stands for: spiritual growth, obedience to the Word of God and winning
souls for Jesus.
Paul remember, the applause of the crowd is not always the approval
of the Lord. My preaching has been appeals to the conscience,
penetrating preaching, clinical preaching, preaching that makes people
to cry “Men and brethren, what shall we do?”
For me I’m now near to eternity. My calling has cost me the greatest
moral effort, the greatest venture of faith which I ever made. The Lord
has something better for the man who would not promote or publicize
Few men could have passed through such an agony of choice that I have
suffered. Now to be tainted, soiled, and symbolized by worthless
$25,000 gold-plated casket? God forbid!
Finally brethren, In all things I gave you an example, that so
laboring you ought to help the weak, and to remember the words of the
Lord Jesus, that he himself has said, it is more blessed to give than to
Those who are weak in faith must be encouraged; the strong ought to help bear the infirmities and not to please themselves.
Admonish the disorderly, encourage the fainthearted, support the weak, be long-suffering toward all.
Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do
it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that
will last forever.
Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly. I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.
For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at
hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and I have
kept the faith.
From now on there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which
the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give at that day: and not to me
only, but to all them also that love his appearing.
Paul my son, do you love me? Do you love me? Paul my son, do you love me? Feed my sheep.
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